Monday, March 31, 2025
HomeFood & BeveragesIndipop, a new-age beverage, is set to revolutionize the Indian and global...

Indipop, a new-age beverage, is set to revolutionize the Indian and global beverage market with its new fruity and fizzy beverage

BeyondGreen Foods Private Limited has launched Indipop, India’s first Clean Label certified new age drink. People of all ages, from children to adults, can enjoy this fruity carbonated beverage – a truly healthy drink that’s not just refreshing but also healthy since it’s made with real squeezed fruit and botanicals.

You can soon look for the Indipop Ginger Lemon flavor online and in stores across Bangalore, Mumbai, Pune, and New Delhi. More variants will be launched in 2023.

Kickstarting the production

Beverage consumers often get lied to about what ingredients their food contains. More often than not, most food labels are full of complicated artificial ingredients with tongue-twisting names. This is the antithesis of Indipop’s beliefs, which focus on clean ingredients and complete transparency. This fruity fizzy beverage was thus born, made with freshly squeezed fruit, real botanicals, and absolutely no preservatives and artificial ingredients. This ready-to-drink beverage is a fantastic thirst quencher, a healthy mixer, and a great digestive aid. 

The manufacturing process of Indipop’s Ginger Lemon flavor has successfully begun and they have an initial target of selling at least 50,000 cans per month and will scale up progressively. 

Piloting in cities

Indipop is currently piloting in Bangalore, Mumbai, Pune and New Delhi. These cities were consciously chosen for their young consumers who are very open to trying out new types of food and beverages, especially because of the burgeoning health-conscious nature of the Millenial and Gen-Z mindset. They intend to expand to other cities in the long run. 

Identifying the market gap

Most beverages sold in India are made with artificial flavors, food acids, chemicals, preservatives and colors, which can harm human health. While delicious and momentarily refreshing, these beverages cause more harm than good. 

To address this issue, Indipop started researching and manufacturing a carbonated beverage made with freshly squeezed fruit juice and botanicals grown on farms, ethically sourced, juiced, mixed and brewed to form a delicious beverage. It has become an instant hit with consumers!

 Indipop’s beverages contain absolutely no artificial preservatives, harmful colors, or artificial flavors. In comparison to other beverages that contain 10-13 grams of sugar per 100 ML of drink, Indipop only uses 5-7 grams. That translates to 40% less sugar! 

Clean Label Project Certification

Indipop is a Clean Label certified new age drink. The Clean Label Project certification ensures that the beverage is packed with nutritional and organic ingredients that can be counted on one single hand, without any nasty multi-syllable chemical ingredients. It also ensures that any food or beverage sold with this label has truly earned the right to do so. This certification tests all foods and beverages for over 130 harmful chemicals, pesticides, and other contaminants that wreak havoc on the body. 

As opposed to paying credence to marketing claims, the Clean Label Project uses evidence-based benchmarks using real data and science. 

Indipop’s vision

Indipop’s goal is simply to serve its customers with clean beverages that truly live up to its claim. 

“I’m truly excited to launch this venture. Consumers today want transparency with what they consume and we’re one of the first brands to push the boundaries of creating a clean, healthy, and delicious beverage. We believe in transparency in every step of the business and ultimately intend to provide our consumers with a delicious beverage they can wholly trust”. – Jagadeesh Sannareddy, founder of BeyondGreen Foods Private Limited.

The company believes in using natural ingredients only, without a single ingredient created artificially in labs. People today make a more conscious effort to be healthy, and by serving delicious, clean and undiluted beverages, the brand wants to play a part in improving people’s lives. 


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